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Code of Conduct

Library Customer/Patron Code of Conduct

To ensure a safe and pleasant library experience, please adhere to the following rules:

1.     Comply with Laws: Obey all federal, state, and local laws, refraining from theft, harassment, violence, substance abuse, and disruptive behavior.

2.     Comply with Library Directives: Library patrons shall abide by library rules and obey any reasonable direction a library staff member gives.

3.     Weapons: Displaying weapons to threaten others or with the intent to harm other is strictly prohibited within the library.

4.     Library Materials: Respect library materials and property; vandalism is prohibited by law and will result in an immediate ban from library property.

5.     Library Computers: Library computers may not be used for illegal or criminal activities. Nor may they be used to download or print obscene material.

6.     Food and Drinks: Outside food is prohibited. Drinks should be in capped containers and kept away from library materials.

7.     Children: Children under 12 should always be accompanied by a guardian. Parents are responsible for their behavior.

8.     Shirts and Shoes: Wear appropriate attire, including shirts and shoes.

9.     Aisles and Doorways: Keep pathways clear; large objects obstructing spaces are not allowed.

10.  Personal Belongings: Watch over your belongings and keep them with you at all times; the library is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Items left unattended are subject to removal without notice.

11.  Animals: No animals or pets are allowed except for service animals, animals in training, or those used in library programs.

12.  Substance Use: Illegal narcotics, alcohol use, or inappropriate use of prescription drugs is prohibited on library property.

13.  Smoking: Smoking on library property is prohibited; this includes e-cigarettes.

14.  Library Hours: Leave the library promptly at closing time.

15.  Roller Devices: Roller skates, blades, and similar items are prohibited, as are bicycles, scooters, and skateboards.

16.  Sleeping: Sleeping on the floor or furniture is not allowed.

17.  Lost and Found: Unattended personal items that can be kept safely may be placed in the lost and found for one month. All other items will be disposed of.

18.  Soliciting: No soliciting, selling, panhandling, or distributing unapproved materials.

19.  Media/Photography: Prior approval is needed for commercial photography or filming. Photographing other customers without their consent is prohibited.

20.  Hygiene: Maintain good personal hygiene and avoid strong scents that may disturb others. You may be asked to leave the library if odors emanating from your person or your belongings are causing an unreasonable disturbance.

21.  Noise: Keep noise levels low, use headphones for personal devices, and avoid disruptive behavior.

22.  Harassment: Harassing other customers and staff, including behavior that is intimidating, hostile, offensive, or adversely impacts library customers, staff, or operations, is prohibited.

23.  Respect: Avoid horseplay, running, and interfering with others' use of the library.

24.  Trash: Do not dispose of liquids in trash cans.

25.  Furniture: Rearranging or moving library furniture or fixtures is prohibited. Please speak to staff if you need different seating accommodations.

26.  Offices and Restricted Areas: Offices, lock doors, and other restricted areas are not publicly accessible.

27.  Search and Detention: Library staff may search bags to prevent theft. Detention may occur if suspected of theft.

28.  Gallery and Bayard Room: The Public may use the Bayard Room on the 3rd Floor and the Gallery in the Archives. Access to these rooms is not guaranteed and may be restricted to one hour. The Library reserves the right to restrict access to these areas at any time or set time limits for them. You may be asked to leave these areas if they have been reserved for library activities and meetings.

Enforcement of Rules

Library customers who fail to comply with the Code of Conduct may face progressive discipline measures, including bans of varying durations:

1.     Verbal Warning: Initial violation incurs a verbal warning. You may be asked to leave the library for the remainder of the day.

2.     30-Day Library Ban: Another violation within 90 days of a verbal Warning Notice or being asked to leave may result in a 30-day library ban.

3.     90-Day Library Ban: Continued library policy violations may lead to a 90-day ban.

4.     1 Year—Permanent Ban: Serious violations, including harassing staff, violent actions or threats towards staff or others, or repeated violations of other library policies, may result in a one-year or permanent ban from the library.

Severe violations of the Code of Conduct may result in immediate removal from the library before verbal warnings or progressive discipline listed above. We prioritize maintaining a safe and welcoming environment for all library patrons and staff. Your cooperation is vital in achieving this goal.